Corporate language training.
When language skills boost your business!
We explain you why...
Turnovers are limited thanks to training.
Training your staff allows you to anticipate global changes and stay competitive against your competitors.
Your teams discover linguistic diversity.
You get in touch with other communities.
You expand your number of potential customers.
Training, a way to do teambuilding.

Choose your language training.

English language training
Learning English will allow you to discover the language through a thousand varied and dynamic activities.
In group lessons or in individual lessons with the teacher.
With our native teachers, travel to London, California or the plains of Texas without leaving home!
All you have to do is choose the language training program that suits you! Whether you are a beginner or an advanced English speaker, you are welcome to attend individual or small group classes.
Dutch language training
Learning Dutch in Belgium is not only an asset. It is a must! Our Dutch courses will allow you to (re) discover the language through varied and dynamic activities, with an emphasis on oral skills! And if you already speak Dutch, these lessons will help you to improve it by learning new idioms, expressions, vocabulary…
You don’t like Dutch? You think you’ll never be bilingual? Let us show you that it is also a beautiful language.
In group or individual lessons with a native teacher.
All you have to do is choose the course you want!

French language training
You have been in Belgium for a few months or more? Your colleagues are mainly French-speaking and you want to communicate with them? You dream of a career in Belgium?
Start learning French! Our courses in French as a foreign language (FLE) will allow you to (re) discover the language and cultures of the French-speaking world through varied and dynamic activities! For all language levels!
Come and learn quickly with a focus on oral skills with an amazing French speaking trainer!
In group or individual lessons with a native teacher. You just have to choose the course you want!
Italian language training
Your customers speak mostly Italian and you want to communicate with them? Your company has a branch in Rome? Your company offers you a job in Milan?
Our Italian courses will allow you to (re) discover the Italian language and culture through varied and dynamic activities!
With your colleagues in group lessons or alone in individual lessons with a native trainer.
All you have to do is choose the course you want and start learning the Italian language!

Spanish language training
Your customers speak mostly Spanish and you want to communicate with them? Your company has a branch in Madrid? Your company offers you a job in Barcelone?
Our Spanish courses will allow you to (re) discover the Spanish language and culture through varied and dynamic activities!
And whether your dreams take you to South America or to the Iberian Peninsula, our teachers, all native speakers, will help you discover their culture and their beautiful language!
With your colleagues in group classes or alone in individual classes with a native teacher. You just have to choose the course you want and start learning the Spanish language!
German language training
Your customers speak mostly German and you want to communicate with them? Your company has a branch in Munich? Your company offers you a job in Berlin?
Our German courses will allow you to (re) discover the German language and culture through varied and dynamic activities!
With your colleagues in group classes or alone in individual classes with a native teacher. You just have to choose the course you want and start learning the German language!

Language level tests.
Vous ne connaissez pas votre niveau de langue? Passez notre test et nous vous aiderons à vous évaluer et à vous situer sur l’échelle du cadre européen commun de référence.
Évaluez votre maîtrise de l’anglais, du néerlandais, du français ou de l’espagnol grâce à nos tests de niveaux. Le résultat vous permettra de vous situer par rapport à la plupart des points de grammaire importants et du vocabulaire.
Que vous soyez de niveau débutant, de niveau intermédiaire, avancé, que vous en soyez au stade de la découverte ou du perfectionnement, on est là pour vous aider! Notre école de langues propose des cours à quiconque souhaite suivre des cours de langue… quel que soit votre emploi du temps.

“I definitely recommend EDL. They are friendly, enthusiastic and professional and really, really flexible. They always had a solution to suit my busy agenda.”

“I highly recommend everybody to take classes with EDL and especially Skype classes. All the sessions are going to be arranged perfectly, so you won’t regret any minute you spent on it. I should confess that the the classes that I had were the best experience in English I ever gained in my long language learning path!”