Let’s face the challenges together!
About the reasons to organize language classes.
If your company works in the international arena, is looking to expand into emerging markets, or operates within a community where a significant portion of the population speaks a language other than English...
Which languages to speak to find a job in Belgium ?
I have been a French teacher for about ten years now. I have met and thought expats coming from all over the world.A question comes back often during courses : Which languages should I speak to find a(n) (other) job, here in Brussels ? My answer is always the same.
Private Lessons vs. Group Lessons
Should you invest in 1:1 classes or in group tuition? Both choices are good but one can be better for a trainee or a company than the other.
Our choice : the Common European Framework Reference for languages
All our courses follow the Common European Framework Reference for Languages (CEFR) so you can choose the best course for you and chart your progress. The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, often referred to as CEFR, is an european standard for working out your ability in a language. It was established by the Council of Europe and aims to validate language skills.